10 Helpful Tips for Creating a PowerPoint Presentation

PowerPoint Presentation

When embarking on the creation of a PowerPoint presentation, prioritize content over design. Begin by outlining the main points of your speech and organizing them logically.

Table of contents

Creating a presentation

PowerPoint: Creating a presentation


Follow these steps to create content

  • Create a document containing all necessary information.
  • Arrange the information coherently.
  • Open a new presentation and input the text without focusing on design.
  • Highlight key ideas and transfer them onto slides in a logical sequence.
  • Divide lengthy content across multiple slides if needed.
  • Review your presentation in viewing mode to refine content and design.

While this process may seem extensive, it typically proceeds swiftly. The most time-consuming aspect is gathering the required information, which usually takes no more than 15 minutes.

Avoiding PowerPoint Templates

Steer clear of default PowerPoint templates as they often appear outdated and lack sophistication. Instead, consider two alternatives:

Limiting Primary Colors

Opt for a maximum of five primary colors, ideally three, to maintain visual coherence and prevent overwhelming the audience with excessive color variation. When selecting colors, prioritize contrast between background and text. Classic combinations like white background with black text are effective, but don't shy away from more creative options such as gray backgrounds with blue text or dark backgrounds with white text and light green accents.

Using visual effects

PowerPoint: visual effects

Utilizing Flat Graphic Icons

Choose flat graphic icons over outdated 3D ones to enhance visual appeal and comprehension. Icons serve to replace excessive text, facilitating better assimilation and retention of information. Consistency in icon design is crucial to maintaining visual harmony and professionalism in the presentation. Additionally, avoid enlarging icons excessively, as this can detract from the overall quality of the presentation.

Make the Right Picture Frame

Maintaining Consistent Borders: In line with current trends, opt for large frames with consistent borders on all sides of the slide. Avoid overcrowding slides with excessive information; instead, divide content across multiple slides while maintaining a sense of spaciousness.

Avoiding Serif Fonts

Prioritizing Readability: Steer clear of serif fonts, as they may detract from the professionalism of your presentation. Instead, consider utilizing sans-serif fonts such as Arial, Calibri, Raleway, or Roboto for enhanced readability and visual appeal.

Choosing High-Quality Images

Emphasizing Visual Quality: Select images from reputable sources to ensure high quality and authenticity. Avoid overly staged or artificial-looking photographs, opting instead for genuine and engaging imagery from platforms like Unsplash or Flickr.

Adjusting Element Outlines

Enhancing Visual Clarity: Remove default blue outlines from PowerPoint elements to avoid detracting from the overall presentation quality. Opt for thicker outlines or none at all, depending on the desired visual effect.

Utilizing Shadows Wisely

Balancing Visual Elements: Exercise caution when using shadows in your presentation, ensuring they enhance rather than distract from the content. Avoid overusing shadows or applying them inconsistently across slides.

Crafting Engaging Opening and Closing Slides

Maximizing Impact: Capture audience attention with a compelling opening slide that sets the tone for the presentation. Similarly, ensure the closing slide reinforces key takeaways and leaves a lasting impression on viewers.

Emphasizing Key Points

Focusing on Essentials: Highlight the most crucial ideas and information in your presentation, avoiding the temptation to overload slides with unnecessary details. Direct viewers to supplementary materials, such as appendices, for further information if needed.


Recognize the significance of visual perception in human communication and leverage PowerPoint's capabilities to convey information effectively. Utilizing this platform allows for engaging and impactful presentations that cater to the audience's visual senses.

